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Showing posts from May, 2020

Store Facts: FreshCo. Dixie and Dundas-Mississauga

Today's store facts post will be on the discount grocery store Freshco store located at Dixie and Dundas in Mississauga. This store opened in 2010 as a replacement for the Price Chopper that used to be here. This store was remodeled in 2019 to the current Freshco. prototype. Highlights (not very many for this store 🙃) One of the earliest FreshCo. stores 6 Aisles Very small store There isn't much to say about this store. This is your typical FreshCo. store with nothing special about it other than the fact that it has dairy in the middle of the store instead of at the back of the store. I'm not too sure if that's common for FreshCo. stores to have or if it's a hold over from Price Chopper. Below is a map of the store Map of the store I hope you enjoyed this store facts post. Until next post, DZ

Retrospective: Sears Canada’s Painful death

Abandoned Sears store at Erin Mills Town Centre, Mississauga ON. 2019 Warning: The views expressed in this post are of the author. Please don’t hate if you don’t agree with my views. Today's post will be a classic Retail Retrospective post. The subject of this entry is about Sears Canada’s long, infamous and painful death. Sears used to be a large chain of department stores with thousands of stores at one point and a myriad of services. Now Sears is long gone from the Canadian market after filling for creditor’s protection back in late 2017 and liquidating completely by January 2018 and now only has under 200 stores left in the USA and is a shell of its former self. This post will focus exclusively on the defunct Canadian Sears chain and how they fallen into bankruptcy. Early history It all started in the early 1950s as a 50-50 partnership between department store chain Simpsons and Sears to make a mail order and department store chain called Simpsons-Sears. Many Simpson-Sears stor...

J.C.Penney Files for Bankrupcy

On Friday, American department store chain, J.C.Penney filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after a missed debt payment. As a result, they plan on closing 850 stores across the US. It's not surprising to hear that Penney's went bankrupt as they were struggling pretty badly in the past decade. Sadly, this won't be the last department store chain to file for Chapter 11.

Walmart store Models used in Canada

Here's a list of the different models of new built Walmart stores used in Canada from the 90s to present day. This post will only mention known Canadian Walmart models that Walmart built themselves in Canada and not one offs. With that out of the way, let's get on with the post.  Note: Images featured here are from third-party sources and are attributed as such.

Blog Updates: May 2020

Hi everyone, this post addresses some housekeeping things for this blog. Sorry for not posting frequently on here. Lately, I've really busy and therefore lacked motivation to post anything on here. But now thanks to what's been going on recently, I have more time to do this blog and decided to take this blog more seriously and to make posts again. Posting Schedule  I now have a schedule for posting things. I plan to post at least once a week on Tuesdays at 6:00pm ET a store facts post, or a plaza/mall facts post. My models will be posted monthly on my Tumblr page which is in the sidebar. I'll also post news on here when applicable. I hope you'll like this format and that it will solve the issue of erratic postings.  New branding Also, I've simplified the name of the blog to DZ's Retail to reflect my name that I use elsewhere in the community.  Along side this change comes a new logo that you can see on the home page.