Store Facts: FreshCo. Dixie and Dundas-Mississauga

Today's store facts post will be on the discount grocery store Freshco store located at Dixie and Dundas in Mississauga. This store opened in 2010 as a replacement for the Price Chopper that used to be here. This store was remodeled in 2019 to the current Freshco. prototype.

Highlights (not very many for this store 🙃)

  • One of the earliest FreshCo. stores
  • 6 Aisles
  • Very small store

There isn't much to say about this store. This is your typical FreshCo. store with nothing special about it other than the fact that it has dairy in the middle of the store instead of at the back of the store. I'm not too sure if that's common for FreshCo. stores to have or if it's a hold over from Price Chopper. Below is a map of the store

Map of the store

I hope you enjoyed this store facts post. Until next post, DZ


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