Historic retailer Hudson's Bay will begin liquidating all but 6 stores and close by June 30th. This comes after they've filed for creditor's protection earlier this month on March 7th. This also includes the Canadian Saks Fifth Avenue locations as these were operated by Hudson’s Bay under a license agreement with Saks Global. I saw this coming as they began to operate on reduced hours, some of their stores suffered from maintenance issues, the stores were tired looking, and were devoid of customers. They did remodel a few high-profile locations and tried to relaunch Zellers as a section in Hudson’s Bay a few years ago to no success. I do hope that Hudson’s Bay somehow gets saved so the brand can live on, but I’m not holding my breath on that. We’ll wait and see I guess . Edit : Corrected to say that Hudson’s Bay will liquidate with expected end date. Also, I saw an article that said that 6 stores will be spared from liquidation. 3 in Ontario and 3 in Quebec. Here’s the lis...
Loblaw announced that they will be piloting a new deep discount No Name grocer in 3 markets in Ontario later this month. These stores will be in Windsor, St. Catharines, and Brockville. The No Name "Store for Savings" will have shorted hours (10am-7pm), carry a more limited selection of about 1300 products, mostly from Loblaw's private labels PC and No Name and no refrigerated goods initially. Loblaw tried a similar concept back in 2013 called Box by No Frills (later simplified to Box). These stores then closed or converted into regular No Frills stores a few years later. It will be interesting to see if these new No Name stores suffer the same fate.